Manually Uploading Scan Files

Summary: How to manually upload scan files to Ivanti Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB.

Once you have downloaded a scan file, you can upload the file to Ivanti Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB.

To manually upload a scan file, navigate to the Settings (Settings Menu - Gear - Small) > Uploads page.

Uploads Menu Location

Under the Get Started section on the Uploads page, fill out the Upload Name field. Ensure the name is not generic; a date and a short title are a good idea so that, if needed, you can remember the upload name for later. Once complete, click Next.

Next, either select a current assessment or create a new assessment that will be associated with the scan. For more information about assessments, see Assessments: Overview. Ensure the assessment name is recognizable as well, so you'll know what data is associated with that assessment. In the majority of cases, create a new assessment to make the data and upload time unique.

Manual Upload - Create Assessment

Complete the fields in the Add a New Assessment window and click Submit.

RiskSense best practices recommends making the assessment date the date you upload the scan and/or the date when the scan was performed. This helps with using filters and tracking vulnerabilities.

Manual Upload - Add a New Assessment

When the assessment appears on the list, click Next.

Manual Upload - Select Assessment

Next, designate the Network.  Most clients already have a network set up for scan uploads. If not, the network allows you to designate if this scan's hosts are unique based on either hostname or IP. Ensure that is correct before selecting or or creating a new Network for this upload. Select the designated network and click Next.

Manual Upload - Select Network

The final step is to upload the scan file. There are two ways to do this: selecting a file or dragging a file to the window. To select a file from your computer, click the Select Files button. You can browse for the scan file and add it here. Otherwise, you can drag the file into the grey box labeled Drag files here. If successful, the file appears in the box. Once ready, click the Upload button.

Manual Upload - Upload Scan File

Depending on the file size, it may take some time to load the scan file. Once complete, the files selected appear with their scanner. Typically, you will want to click Enable Auto URBA so that RiskSense will run Update Remediation by Assessment (URBA) when the file uploads. For more information about URBA, see Update Remediation by Assessment: Overview. Once everything is set, click Start.

Manual Upload - Start Upload

Your file with then be uploaded to Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB.